خوش آمدید♥

برای دریافت آخرین بروزرسانی‌های افزونه، استایل و ... نیازمند ثبت‌نام در انجمن می‌باشید تا با ما بروز بمانید!

ثبت نام!
  • هاست سان
  • با خرید اشتراک ویژه شما میتوانید جدیدترین آپدیت افزونه ها و قالب های زیبا و پرکاربرد زنفورو را دریافت کنید!

    هر ماه یک کد تخفیف 60 درصدی محصولات فروشگاه به کاربران منتخب بخش ویژه اهدا می‌شود

  • انجمن مجهز به سیستم تشخیص کاربران دارای چند حساب کاربری می‌باشد در صورت مشاهده حساب کاربری شما مسدود میگردد.
Added Rumble. Thanks to [H]ard|Forum for sponsoring this addition.
Updated lazy loader. It may help with dynamically-sized embeds (e.g. tweets) being cut off.
Updated Twitter. Tweets are now slightly wider (550px vs 500px) and should load imperceptibly faster.

A word about embedded tweets. At the time of writing, embedding a text-only tweet using Twitter's default method requires 20+ HTTP requests and 3.5 MB of resources. This update reduces both by approximately 10% and saves about 100 ms on loading time on a fast network. It is unclear why Twitter loads 3.4 MB of JavaScript to display ~140 characters of black-and-white text.
The new CSS should be functionally identical but please feel free to report any potential layout issues.
  • لایک
واکنش‌ها[ی پسندها]: vafa12
The style changes introduced in 2.6.11 have been reverted as a precautionary measure.

s9e Media Sites 2.6.10​

Unsupported Amazon and BBC News URLs have been excluded.
Lazy loading has been enabled in conversations.

Updated for XFMG 2.2

New CSS has been added for compatibility with XFMG 2.2

You don't have to upgrade if you don't use the XenForo Media Gallery add-on.
New CSS has been added for compatibility with XFMG 2.2

You don't have to upgrade if you don't use the XenForo Media Gallery add-on.
Getty Images now uses HTTPS to retrieve an image's dimensions.
Gfycat is now HD by default.
Added support for more Medium URLs.
Support for Clyp.it has been added.
All phrases used in the add-on's options and footer are now translatable.
Added support for Castos. Thanks to Ask Andy About Clothes for sponsoring this addition.
Stitcher has been updated to support their shortlink URLs.
Vimeo has been updated and remains functionally the same.

Starting with this update, the release version of add-on will be tested on XenForo 2.2.
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