- تاریخ ثبتنام
- 2020-06-26
- نوشتهها
- 20,416
- راهحلها
- 27
- پسندها
- 3,259
- امتیازها
- 113
- سن
- 27
- محل سکونت
- England
- وب سایت
- xenforo.xyz
Notices are often used to show content unrelated to the page they appear on. Notices are also often duplicated across multiple pages. As Xenforo sits currently, search engines may use the notice content as the "snippit", the search engines' description for the page, which is shown to all search users. This can greatly reduce the click through rate for a given page or group of pages.
I personally added a "Guest Registration" notice showing on most of my pages attempting to entice visitors...
I personally added a "Guest Registration" notice showing on most of my pages attempting to entice visitors...