- تاریخ ثبتنام
- 2020-06-26
- نوشتهها
- 20,573
- راهحلها
- 27
- پسندها
- 3,259
- امتیازها
- 113
- سن
- 27
- محل سکونت
- England
- وب سایت
- xenforo.xyz
Dear Xenforo Team,
is there still no way to pay a xenforo license via Bitcoin?
Are there any plans to do this?
There are plenty of easy to use solutions, some (like bitpay) have also a "never-touch-crypto" solution for accountants which do not want to deal with crypto at all.
I love to use xenforo. And I also want to buy licenses and do not want to use any nulled download.
Hope you guys change that in future.
Crypto is a must for software and license ecommerce.
All the best
is there still no way to pay a xenforo license via Bitcoin?
Are there any plans to do this?
There are plenty of easy to use solutions, some (like bitpay) have also a "never-touch-crypto" solution for accountants which do not want to deal with crypto at all.
I love to use xenforo. And I also want to buy licenses and do not want to use any nulled download.
Hope you guys change that in future.
Crypto is a must for software and license ecommerce.
All the best
نام موضوع : pay via Bitcoin for xenforo license