- تاریخ ثبتنام
- 2020-06-26
- نوشتهها
- 20,573
- راهحلها
- 27
- پسندها
- 3,259
- امتیازها
- 113
- سن
- 27
- محل سکونت
- England
- وب سایت
- xenforo.xyz
Assuming a style that has variations enabled:
Only default image is entered
The alternative field gets set to the value of the default image upon saving
Only alternativ image is entered
The default field stays empty upon saving, no error message is shown
Logo image is broken in frontend depending on active variation
Both fields are left empty
No error message is shown
Logo image is broken in frontendend for all variations
Suggested Changes
Only default image is entered
The alternative field gets set to the value of the default image upon saving
Only alternativ image is entered
The default field stays empty upon saving, no error message is shown
Logo image is broken in frontend depending on active variation
Both fields are left empty
No error message is shown
Logo image is broken in frontendend for all variations
Suggested Changes
- XenForo should...
نام موضوع : Public logo URL behaviour is inconsistent