- تاریخ ثبتنام
- 2020-06-26
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- England
- وب سایت
- xenforo.xyz
I really like the look and feel of Xenforo and am thinking of possibly getting the forum framework with the intention of using it with WordPress. However, I have a few questions:
1) The intention is to use XF as a forum initially, but I have plans of wanting to heavily customise it, so that it acts more like multi-author platform (where user posts are promoted to the front page - ala Reddit). I know that this is something that WP is also capable of doing, but with this in mind...
I really like the look and feel of Xenforo and am thinking of possibly getting the forum framework with the intention of using it with WordPress. However, I have a few questions:
1) The intention is to use XF as a forum initially, but I have plans of wanting to heavily customise it, so that it acts more like multi-author platform (where user posts are promoted to the front page - ala Reddit). I know that this is something that WP is also capable of doing, but with this in mind...